Thursday 31 December 2020

CaK Full Disk 31st December 2020

CaK-FD-colour December has been a productive month for me solar wise, no doubt helped by clear skies at the weekends, but also by the concrete observing pad constructed during lock down in May which gives me a view of the afternoon sunshine in winter time. It's nice as we come to the end of the year solar cycle 25 is firmly active in the suns southern hemisphere. I used the Coronado 40mm f10 scope with a 2x Cemax barlow along with the FLIR GH3 91S6M camera for this full disk.

Filaments and Prominences 31st December 2020

filaments-colour proms-colour Todays sun looked great in the eyepiece earlier with the most dramatic feature being the prominences and filaments. Both are the same feature and are clouds of cool plasma held aloft by magnetic fields.

Ha Full Disk 31st December 2020

Ha-FD-DS-colour It was nice to see some sunshine today as this Ha full disk image shows!

CaK Views 27th December

CaK-FD-colour CaK-Close-colour Seeing is never going to be on side with the low winter sun at this time of year, but the 40mm Coronado scope showed itself to be a great performer at these shorter wavelengths, reveling all the large scale activity in the suns southern hemisphere at the moment.

Ha Views 27th December

Ha-Close-colour Ha-NE-colour Ha-FD-DS-colour I was fortunate enough to be able to image on the morning of 27th December. Here are the views taken with the 50mm double stacked portable kit.

Saturday 12 December 2020

AR12790 Departing 12th December

AR12790 gets ever closer to the limb in this image taken with a Lunt 50 etalon double stacked with a Daystar Quark and using a FLIR IMX174 camera.

Prom! 12th December

There was a lovely prom visible on the suns north western limb today, looked really nice through the eyepiece.

New Active Region 12th December

More activity rounds the sun as this as yet undesignated active region put in an appearance.  The Stereo image indicates a few more are to follow.

Ha Full Disk 12th December

It was nice to get some sunshine this Saturday afternoon, and despite the sun being quieter than it was a couple of weeks ago there is considerably more activity than there was in solar minimum.  The southern hemisphere is still currently the most active.  Taken with a Lunt 50 etalon, double stacked with a Daystar Quark and a FLIR GH3 91S6M camera.

Sunday 6 December 2020

Ha Full Disk 5th December.

Activity really is increasing on the sun, particularly so in the southern hemisphere which has just erupted into life over a couple of solar rotations.  I was fortunate to be able to observe as the forecast was for sleet all day, but turned out quite nice and predominantly blue skies.  The observing pad I created during the first lockdown is working well, and in conjunction with my 7 foot pier looking over a 6 foot fence to see the sun is quite feasible.  It has a bit of bounce to it and is only really suitable for smaller scopes, but, in winter, with the low sun this is not a problem.  As the sun gets higher in the sky in the spring I will replace the 7 foot pier with the 5 foot pier which is notably more stable.  This image was taken with a Lunt 50 etalon on a 60mm f6 scope and then double stacked with a Daystar Quark.

CaK Sun 22nd November

CaK-FD-colour northern-ar-cak-colour ar-cak-colour
It's nice to see activity picking up again on the sun and I always like the alternative views in CaK.  The air was very clear and the prominences were quite easy to see at this wavelength.  

Ha Sun 22nd November

Ha-FD-DS-colour active-regions-Ha-colour active-regions-other-side-ha-colour prom-ha-colour
After what seemed like weeks of not being able to observe the sun, the weather was obliging on the 22nd.  I was keen to see the activity that had bubbled up in the southern hemisphere and I certainly wasn't disappointed.  Taken with a 50mm Lunt etalon double stacked with a Daystar Quark.