Saturday, 15 October 2016

Ha Full Disk 15th October

The double stack disks are back!  I decontacted an etalon in my trusty DS40 scope earlier this year, and despite recontacting the damaged etalon, i've never been enamoured with the results it gives.  As such there has been a period of drought while I sought another solution.  Here it is, a double stacked PST; with a difference.  Firstly it is double stacked with a Lunt 50 etalon, just to be different, and the bf5 has been replaced with a bf10 as this has better contrast and light throughput, it also allows me to move the disk such that the sweetspot is central on the disk.  Still work to do here, I think the etalon tuning assembly can be tightened up to lose a bit of slack, and also the black box at the back can also be replaced with a 'less glass' solution.  There is ofcourse the possibility of triple stacking, but that's down the road, the first step is to fine tune the double stack.