A quick look at the sun this morning before work with the double stacked 50mm scope, there is starting to be plenty of activty to see on the sun at the moment which is nice to see!
The seeing was very up and down on sunday, and despite recording a lot of data this is the only one that really came out with any clarity. Taken with the 127mm / 1200 scope stopped down to 60mm to give f20 with the ZWO290mm camera. At f20 in CaK this camera has a lot of synergy.
Just enought time for a quick full disk on the 4th in between the gaps. Taken with the Lunt 50 etalon double stacked with a Daystar Quark on the 60mm f6 scope.
I was pleased to get some good seeing first thing in the morning, and was able to use the 120mm scope at f20 (with 2x cemax barlow) along with the ZWO290mm camera along with the home brew CaK filter.
A nice run of calcium images taken in reasonable seeing conditions for the late afternoon. Taken at 60mm aperture, closeups using a 2x cemax barlow and the ZWO290mm camera.