A hugely oversampled disk using the DS50 setup, 2x cemax barlow and the ZWO 183mm camera. The barlow seems to give around 2.5x. The weather was not cooperating and I sat poised for some time at the scope waiting for fleeting gaps that I could grab some frames in, still, glad I did as the forecast is not promising for clear skies in the foreseeable.
Solar time seems to have been quite limited this year, with it being sunny when i'm at work, and then cloud building up in the evenings. On Thursday I did manage to get a quick full disk in the haze before the clouds finally closed in. Taken with the LZOS 100/800 refractor stopped down to 50mm, the home brew CaK filter and the ZWO 183mm camera, which gives a lovely image scale with this scope.
Always nice to the see the moon in the warm spring evening sky. Got out with the LZOS 100/800 and 183mm camera for the whole disk, the close ups taken with the 2x cemax barlow and the zwo290mm camera.
First test with the APM 100/800 and a newly acquired ZWO183mm camera. Perfect frame size and perfect pixel size for this scope. I plan to use it for WL and CaK solar, and, fixed noise permitting, with the Coronado DS90. Big images equals big file sizes, so I think the next upgrade will be a new laptop to handle it better.
Couldn't believe my luck when I turned my scope onto the sun and there was a c-class flare erupting just off the limb. This animation shows it's development over a period of 19 minutes. Things happen quick on the sun!