Sunday, 9 March 2025

Ha FD Coronado DS40 - 8th March

Ha FD DS40 f10 zwo183mm It's taking quite a bit of work to get a usable image out of this little double stacked Coronado scope, but, I think i'm getting there with it. Experimenting with the order of the etalons, compression and tilt tuning, and a new DERF has resulted in improvements. Possibly still more to go too!

Ha Sunshine with the Coronado SM60 8th March

Ha FD SM60 f11 zwo183mm Limb ARs Ha SM60 f15 zwo290mm AR 14012 Ha SM60 f15 zwo290mm This is a lovely scope for Ha, both imaging and also visually, high light throughput means a higher magnification can be used, and the 60mm aperture gives a notable improvement in terms of resolution compared to the smaller scopes. A very nice compact and lightweight setup!

G-Band Sunshine 8th March

G Band FD 430nm 70mm f9 zwo183mm Limb ARs 430nm GBand 70mm f9 zwo290mm AR 14014 GBand 430nm 2x cemax zwo290mm Taken with the OTA from the Coronado SM60 and the Lunt 1.25" wedge with the 430nm G-Band filter. First go of this as a white light setup to be used as a portable setup. Pleased with the potential of it as a patrol scope!