It's taking quite a bit of work to get a usable image out of this little double stacked Coronado scope, but, I think i'm getting there with it. Experimenting with the order of the etalons, compression and tilt tuning, and a new DERF has resulted in improvements. Possibly still more to go too!
This is a lovely scope for Ha, both imaging and also visually, high light throughput means a higher magnification can be used, and the 60mm aperture gives a notable improvement in terms of resolution compared to the smaller scopes. A very nice compact and lightweight setup!
Taken with the OTA from the Coronado SM60 and the Lunt 1.25" wedge with the 430nm G-Band filter. First go of this as a white light setup to be used as a portable setup. Pleased with the potential of it as a patrol scope!