Today was a great day for solar observing; the sun is now higher in the sky and finally now properly clears the treeline from my local horizon, this now gives me a window of a good couple of hours to observe should the clouds ever part. Fortunately, today they did, if only for a hour or so, but this was more than long enough for me to try out my latest modded solar scope. I've added the 70mm Baader D-ERF (as per my review earlier on this website) and a different collimating lens to my trusty 70mm f6 refractor and threw on a PST etalon. This gives me a 70mm 520mm fl solar scope. The image above was taken 70mm f12 with the DMK31 and shows that this mod is working well. Infact I find it difficult to choose between the colour and black and white versions of this shot...