Daystar Quark - Single Stack / Double Stack Comparison - 12th June
I decided to do a comparison with my Quark native single stack, and then double stacking it with a naked PST etalon. There's no flats etc applied to the images and both SS and DS so excuse the dust bunnies, I need to clean the chip, it's the first time i've used the IMX174 chipped PGR in a while.
Both the SS and DS images were processed identically in each pair, same sharpening, same stretch. What was apparent is there is more dynamic range in the DS data, it takes up a wider portion of the histogram. I used the same exposure (8ms) for both, just increased the gain in the DS image to get same brightness on the histogram.
I like the single stack, but the double stack is my preference! The Quark setup looks like this: