Sunday, 18 July 2010

Saturday 17th July - Part 2

Following the rain of the morning and early afternoon, I was really pleased around tea time when the clouds finally broke. It was very very blustery and seeing wasn't great, but never the less it was blue sky so tme to take somemore images!

I decided to have a go at a mosaic shot, using the DS40 at f20 and the DMK31. This is something i've been wanting to have a go at for a while. I did get data for the whole disk, however upon close inspection a thin layer of high cloud was making its way across the shots for the southern half of the disk. This played havoc with the levels and meant there was considerably less image contrast than with the northern half presented below. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to marry to 2 halves of the disk up. Still, for a very first attempt i'm pretty pleased with the image below. For maximum effect click on it to get the full size version. I can see this is something i'm going to have to pursue somemore when time and weather conditions permit.

The filaprom on the northwestern limb was a great example and I think shows up pretty well in this 'one shot' - I can't decide which version I prefer the best - colour or black and white, so both are presented.

Increasing the exposure a bit more reveals the more intricate nature of the prominence part of it.

There was also a nice prom on the south easterm limb, however by now high cloud was lowering contrast and brightening the sky background.

Another nice prom was visible on the south western limb...

All in all i'm pleased with todays results - can't wait to have a go at somemore mosaics!