Monday, 26 December 2016

Boxing Day Ha Full Disk - 26th December

The weather turned from the storms of Christmas day to building high pressure and clear skies on Boxing Day.  I was keen to try out my Daystar Interference Eliminator as a means for getting rid of Newtons Rings that afflict my imaging with the PST and PGR Chameleon 3 camera.  I'm pleased to report this is a very effective solution that allows the user to very quickly and easily adjust to a minimum tilt (required) position to give minimal affect on focal shift across the image frame.  I'm looking forward to being able to do more testing with this great little device as the sun climbs higher and higher in the sky now we are past the winter solstice.  Wish there was a bit more to see on the sun though!  Merry Christmas to all! 😃