Saturday, 29 June 2013

Flaming June?!?!?

June has been an absolutely awful month from my perspective for solar observing, since mid month the weather has been cloudy or raining, and just to torment me even further often sunny when i'm at work!  The sun has typically been quite busy, with a large cluster of active regions transiting the disk in the 3rd week, and on the 28th active region AR11777 threw off a C-class flare and in the process produced this lovely coronal mass ejection seen above as imaged by the SOHO space probe.  In addition a large coronal hole has been throwing off a steady stream into space that was squarely Earth directed and produced a large geomagnetic storm with a Kp of 7.  This has produced aurora visible down to latitude 50 degrees north, however, as might be expected cloud cover across much of the UK prevented any observations of it.  The only glimmer of hope is that tomorrow is forecast to be sunny, so may just yet get another observation in before the month is out.  I can only hope that July offers more in the way of clear skies, though looking at the long range weather forecast this does not seem likely...